Program Outcomes
PO1- SystemsThinking. Analyse, design, implement, and evaluate a computer-
based system, process, component, orprogram to meet desired needs.
PO2- Problem-Solving. Identifyproblems and formulate solutions for systems and
organizations while reconcilingconflicting objectives and finding compromises.
PO3- Communication. Communicateeffectively with a range of audiences.
PO4- Teamwork. Workeffectively as part of a team to develop and deliver quality
software artefacts.
PO5- ContextAwareness. Design solutions using approaches that integrate ethical,
social, legal, and economicresponsibilities.
PO6- PragmaticApproach. Apply computing theory and programming principles to
practical software design anddevelopment.
Program SpecificOut Comes
PSO1- Cultural andGlobal Awareness. Recognize the applicability of computing
and evaluate its impact onindividuals, organizations, and global society.
PSO2- ProfessionalPractice. Evaluate and use appropriate methods and
professional standards in computingpractice.
PSO3- ProfessionalDevelopment. Explore historical, current, and emerging
techniques and technologies,founded on a commitment to lifelong learning
and professional development.
PSO4- TechnicalExpertise. Apply knowledge of computing and mathematics withintechnical domains.
Learningoutcomes for the computer science program
CO1-Students will attain an ability to apply knowledge of computing and
mathematics appropriate to thediscipline.
CO2-Students will attain an ability to analyze a problem, and identify and definethe
computing requirements appropriate toits solution.
CO3-Students will attain an ability to design, implement, and evaluate a computer-
based system, process, component, orprogram to meet desired needs.
CO4- Students will attain an ability tofunction effectively on teams to accomplish a
common goal.
CO5-Students will attain an understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security
and social issues andresponsibilities.
CO6-Students will attain an ability to communicate effectively with a range of
CO7-Students will attain an ability to analyze the local and global impact of
computing on individuals,organizations, and society.
CO8-Students will attain recognition of the need for an ability to engage in
continuing professional development.
CO9-Students will attain an ability to use current techniques, skills, and tools
necessary for computing practice.
CO10-Students will attain an ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic
principles, and computer sciencetheory in the modeling and design of
computer-based systems in a way thatdemonstrates comprehension of the
tradeoffs involved in designchoices.
CO11-Students will attain an ability to apply design and development principles in
the construction of software systemsof varying complexity.
BS.c First Year
Learningoutcomes Hardware
After studying this course, you should be able to:
CO1- understand what all the terms highlighted in bold in the textmean
CO2- understand the fundamental hardware components that make up acomputer’s
hardware and therole of each of these components
CO3- understand the difference between an operating system and anapplication
program, and whateach is used for in a computer
CO4- describe some examples of computers and state the effect thatthe use of
computertechnology has had on some common products
CO5- identify the principal components of a given computer systemand draw a
diagram after thestyle of Figures 6 and 12 to represent the data flows
between them.
Learningoutcomes Software
After studying this course, you should be able to:
CO1- appreciate the engineering nature of software development
CO2- describe key activities in software development and the roleof modelling
CO3- explain key concepts in software development such as risk andquality
CO4- explain the basics of an object-oriented approach to softwaredevelopment
CO5- describe a simple workflow for interacting with the publishedliterature on
LearningOutcomes After C language completion the students will have the followinglearning outcomes:
CO1- Understanding a functional hierarchical code organization.
CO2- Ability to define and manage data structures based on problemsubject
CO3- Ability to work with textual information, characters andstrings.
CO4-Ability to work with arrays of complex objects.
CO5- Understanding a concept of object thinking within theframework of functional
CO6- Understanding a concept of functional hierarchical code organization.
CO7- Understanding a defensive programming concept.
CO8- Ability to handle possible errors during program execution.
BS.c II Year
Learningoutcomes Hardware
After studying this course, you should be able to:
CO1- understand what all the terms highlighted in bold in the textmean
CO2- understand the fundamental hardware components that make up acomputer’s
hardware and therole of each of these components
CO3- understand the difference between an operating system and anapplication
program, and whateach is used for in a computer
CO4- describe some examples of computers and state the effect thatthe use of
computertechnology has had on some common products
CO5- identify the principal components of a given computer systemand draw a
diagram after thestyle of Figures 6 and 12 to represent the data flows
between them.
LearningOutcomes After C++ language completionthe students will have the following learning outcomes:
CO1- Understanding a functional hierarchical code organization.
CO2- Ability to define and manage data structures based on problemsubject
CO3- Ability to work with textual information, characters andstrings.
CO4- Ability to work with arrays of complex objects.
CO5- Understanding a concept of object thinking within theframework of functional
CO6- Understanding a concept of functional hierarchical codeorganization.
CO7- Understanding a defensive programming concept.
CO8- Ability to handle possible errors during program execution.
LearningOutcomes After Web language ; HTML
CO1- Students will demonstrate cross-platform (web, mobile, broadcast,print) skills.
CO2- Students will become familiar with graphic design and/or gametheory and be able to apply this theoryto real world projects.
CO3- Students will develop and understanding of information design andusability as it applies to interactivemedia projects.
CO4- Students will utilize coding and software tools to analyze andpresent data in a professionalmanner that could be translated to web-based or app-based media.
CO5- Students will write at a level suitable for a public audience in anarea related to interactive media(e.g., technical writing, game writing, writing for social media, presentation of a CV)