The institution has establishedwritten policies for all the important aspects of governance. The participationof students, teachers and non-teaching staff in decision-making processes isalso specified in the relevant policy. Therefore, through the structures,processes, and practices, of governance, everyone associated with theinstitutional bodies work together for the development of the institution.
Administrative Setup
TIER 1: As the institution is agovernment college, it functions under the direct administrative control of theCommissionerate of Higher Education, Chhattisgarh, which is headed by theCommissioner of Higher Education. For the efficient functioning of all the collegesunder its ambit, the CHE issues a number of instructions from time to time,prescribing rules, regulations and procedures in dealing with academic,administrative and financial matters. Accordingly, the CHE is also responsiblefor the overall supervision for the smooth functioning of the college.
TIER 2: At the apex in the college-leveladministrative setup, is the Principal, who is the academic and administrativeleader of the college. The tasks of planning and supervision of the executionof annual academic plans, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, areperformed by the Principal in consultation with the staff members of thecollege. He is responsible for the overall development of the college and isassisted by the Vice-Principal, who is the senior-most faculty of the college.
TIER 3: The next level is made up of theTeaching and Non-Teaching staff
⮚ Teaching staff: The collegehas departments which are headed by In-Charges followed by other teaching staffmembers. The college also has a Physical Director and a Librarian.
⮚ Non -Teaching Staff: The Superintendent heads thenon-teaching staff and all the other members like the Senior Assistants, JuniorAssistants, Record Assistants, Office Subordinates and night watchmen areplaced under him.
Committees: The institution has the followingcommittees to ensure the execution of all activities:
⮚Quality Assurance Activities: Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
⮚ Academic Activities:Academic/Examination Committee, Time-Table Committee, Library AdvisoryCommittee, etc.
⮚ Administrative Activities: StaffCouncil, , Finance/Purchase Committee, Scholarship Committee, RTI Committee,etc.
⮚ Extension Activities:N.C.C.,N.S.S, Red Cross Society,Women Empowerment Cell, , etc.
⮚ Career Guidance Activities: CareerGuidance Cell, TSKC, etc.
⮚ Grievance Redressal Activities:Grievance Redressal Committee, Anti-Ragging Committee
The institution has a QualityAssurance Policy which is inspired by its motto – ‘Sarvesha shreyase Vidhya’-and which is committed to its vision and mission. The institution has alsoevolved a host of policies for quality assurance and sustenance.
Appointment, Service Rules &Procedures: As thecollege is a state government institution, it follows all the service rules andprocedures for recruitment and promotion as per the guidelines issued by theDepartment of Higher Education, Government of Chhattisgarh and UGC guidelines.